Top tips & ideas for a yummy, healthy lunchbox
Things to consider
when packing a lunchbox
Having spent time preparing a healthy lunch for your child, it can be so frustrating when your child’s lunchbox is lost, the lunchbox comes home with the food uneaten, or there are spillages.
Here are some ideas, to give you some food for thought, to help with this.
Naming the lunchbox. Making sure your child’s lunchbox, additional containers and your child’s drinks bottle are named, to stop them getting lost.
Small containers. Having smaller containers inside your child’s lunchbox can be handy to keep parts of your child’s lunch separate. For example, it is good to use a smaller tub with a lid for a pasta salad or carrot sticks.
Will the food travel well? Spillages in lunch boxes can be very common. Making sure that the lids on small containers and drinks are on tightly can help things inside the lunchbox not to leak
School lunchbox policy. Schools may have a lunchbox policy where some items are not allowed to be taken into school. These could be items such as chocolate bars, fizzy drinks, or nuts, for example. It is a good idea to check if your child’s school has a lunchbox policy and if so, to make sure your child’s lunch follows their guidelines.
Likes and dislikes. It is helpful if children have tried and liked the food at home before it is put into their lunchbox. This will make sure their tummies are full for the rest of the school day, but also that food waste is reduced.
Get your child involved. Your child is more likely to eat their lunchbox if they help choose and prepare what goes in their lunchbox.
Drinks bottles. A drink bottle for a child should have a ‘free flow’ spout. This type of bottle will encourage children to sip and swallow rather than ‘suck’ their drink and will help them to have healthy teeth.
Food hygiene & safety first
Here are some tips for keeping lunchboxes fresh and safe for your child
Wash your hands before preparing any food
Wash fruit and vegetables thoroughly before packing into the lunchbox
Lightly coat chopped up fruit in lemon juice to prevent browning
Wrap sandwiches and rolls in tin foil, cling film or food bags
If you prepare your child’s lunchbox the evening before, make sure it is stored in the fridge overnight
Although a lot of lunchboxes will be insulated which can help keep the food inside fresh, adding a small ice pack can help keep food cool before eating
Fresh food like sandwiches or pasta that are left over and not eaten in the packed lunch, should be thrown away at the end of the day